Ashly Bill Chu March 9, 2023Amplifier, Ashly, Brand, Console and Mixer, News, Processor, Products, Speaker
Sound Masking System in Hong Kong Investment Bank (Apr-2022) Bill Chu August 2, 2022Financial, News, Projects
Ocean Park “Gala of Lights” Multimedia Shows (2020) Bill Chu August 1, 2022Commercial, News, Projects
Audac Bill Chu February 2, 2021Amplifier, Audac, Brand, Console and Mixer, Interface, Microphone, News, Playback & Recorder, Processor, Products, Speaker
Immigration Service Institute of Training and Development Aug-2020 Bill Chu October 15, 2020Government, News, Projects
Zero Ohm Systems Bill Chu March 4, 2020Amplifier, Brand, Interface, News, Processor, Products, Zero Ohm